Demand for Competitive Contract and Salary Increase
[Sign Our Petition]
We, the undersigned, rise in support of employees of the GCVS Association of Professional Staff and their request for a competitive contract and salary increase.
GCVS Teachers, Counselors, and Nurses go to work each day with one goal in mind - to provide the best possible learning experience for all students at the Greater Commonwealth Virtual School.
Our members are dedicated to dignity and respect for our students, their families, and all employees of the Greater Commonwealth Virtual School.
We are devoted to our students and their families, and ensuring that all of our students learn.
We are committed to developing a systematic process of collaboration in which teachers work together to analyze and improve their classroom practice – which in turn will lead to higher levels of student achievement.
We struggle to identify students who need additional time and support, and respond quickly when they experience difficulties in learning.
We are willing to do the hard work necessary to make the Greater Commonwealth Virtual School a professional learning community we can all be proud of.
Unfortunately the GCVS administration’s belief that the status quo is how we will achieve these goals is out of step with the current reality.
Fact #1: Our school is not competitive. The basic structure of our workday has us working longer hours than any other public school (virtual or brick-and-mortar) in the Commonwealth, but it provides little time for professional collaboration, and lacks the structures and accountability necessary for educators to reach students who are struggling in a timely manner or improve their professional practice.
Fact #2: Our wages are not competitive. The salaries paid to educators at the GCVS lag far behind what is paid to our competition (virtual or brick-and-mortar). While we recognize the funding limitations imposed by the current state funding formula for virtual schools, the GCVS has sufficient resources and reserves to address this issue while they wait for the state to revise their funding model.